2019.07.31 13:00背筋が寒くなる[sesuji-ga-samukunaru]Literal translation:The back muscle gets cold.Meaning:A chill goes down one’s spine (English idiom)A shudder is felt down one's back, due to fear or the like.
2019.07.30 13:00温室育ち[onshitsu-sodachi]Literal translation:grown in a greenhouseMeaning:had been overprotected and be naïvehad been pampered and be naïve
2019.07.29 13:00売り言葉に買い言葉[urikotoba-ni-kaikotoba]Literal translation:Selling words and buying wordsMeaning:Slanging matchMutual recriminations
2019.07.28 13:00鳩が豆鉄砲を食ったよう[hato-ga-mamedeppou-wo-kuttayou]Literal translation:As if a pigeon had been shot by a pea Meaning:Look puzzled Look bewildered
2019.07.27 13:00矢面に立つ[yaomote-ni-tatsu]Literal translation:Exposed to a volley of arrowsMeaning:Bear the brunt of criticisms, etc. Take it on the chin (English idiom)
2019.07.26 13:00知らぬが仏[shiranu-ga-hotoke]Literal translation:It’s Buddha, if you don’t know.Meaning:Not knowing is better.
2019.07.25 13:00覆水盆に返らず[fukusui-bon-ni-kaerazu]Literal translation:Spilled water won’t return to a tray.Meanings:(1) A divorced couple will never get back together.(2) It's no use crying over spilled milk. (English proverb)
2019.07.24 13:00玉石混淆[gyokuseki-konkou]Literal translation:Mixture of gemstones and stones Meaning:Mixture of high-quality and low-quality things ----玉石混交 = 玉石混淆
2019.07.21 13:00トカゲの尻尾切り[tokage-no-shippogiri]Literal translation:A lizard cuts off its tail.Meaning:When an organization has a scandal, people in higher positions shift the blame to people in lower positions.
2019.07.12 13:00腐ったミカン[kusatta-mikan]Literal translation:A rotten mandarin orangeMeaning:A delinquent who has adverse effects on people around him/her
2019.07.11 13:00身を粉にして働く[mi-wo-kona-nishite-hataraku]Literal translation:Work while changing one's body into powder Meaning:Work hardWork one’s fingers to the bone (English idiom)