2019.01.31 13:00蜂の巣にする[hachinosu-ni-suru]Literal translation:Transform something into a honeycombMeaning:Shoot something, making it full of holesShoot something, making it like a piece of Swiss cheese
2019.01.30 13:00窓際族[madogiwa-zoku]Literal translation:Tribe beside windows Meaning:Employees whose career ladders have been taken away and who are not assigned with important tasks
2019.01.29 14:00枕営業[makura-eigyou]Literal translation:Pillow marketing Meaning:Having sex with an influential person to get a job, benefits, or the like
2019.01.28 13:00閑古鳥が鳴く[kankodori-ga-naku]Literal translation:A cuckoo singsMeaning:Have few customers/visitors Deserted
2019.01.27 13:00口を酸っぱくして言う[kuchi-wo-suppakushite-iu]Literal translation:Say while making one’s mouth sour Meaning:Say repeatedly Advise many times
2019.01.26 13:00張り子の虎[hariko-no-tora]Literal translation:A papier-mâché tigerMeanings:(1) a paper tiger (something that seems threatening but is actually ineffectual)(2) a yes-man
2019.01.25 13:00煮え湯を飲まされる[nie-yu-wo-nomasareru]Literal translation:Be deceived into drinking boiling water Meaning:Be betrayed by someone one has trusted and have a terrible time
2019.01.24 13:00虫の居所が悪い[mushi-no-idokoro-ga-warui]Literal translation:A bug exists at a wrong place.Meanings:Feel on edgeBe in a lousy mood
2019.01.23 13:00蟻の一穴[ari-no-ikketsu] Literal translation:A hole of an antMeaning:A minor mistake or trouble that would lead to a serious disaster or problem
2019.01.22 13:00長蛇の列[chouda-no-retsu]Literal translation: A queue of a long snake Meaning:A long queue
2019.01.21 13:00良薬は口に苦し[ryouyaku-wa-kuchi-ni-nigashi]Literal translation:Good medicine tastes bitter.Meaning:Good advice is difficult to accept meekly.
2019.01.20 13:00地獄耳[jigokumimi]Literal translation:Hell earsMeaning:Swiftly gather the secrets, gossip, etc. about others