2021.02.16 16:27怪我の功名[kega-no-koumyou]Literal translation:A good result out of injury Meaning:A lucky hitSomething good coming out of something badA mistake/failure leading to a good result unexpectedly
2021.02.15 14:27人の口に戸は立てられぬ[Hitonokuchini-towa-taterarenu]Literal translation:It’s impossible to set a door on the mouth of a person.Meaning:It’s impossible to stop the spread of rumors.
2021.02.15 14:16爪痕を残す[tsumeato-wo-nokosu]Literal translation:Leave a nail/claw mark Meanings:1. Leave scars 2. (new meaning) Produce impressive results
2021.02.13 14:50逃がした魚は大きい[nigashita-sakana-wa-ookii]Literal translation:The fish you let go was large.Meaning:An item you were close to getting but failed seems to be great.
2021.02.12 12:41死人に口なし[shinin-ni-kuchinashi]Literal translation:A dead man has no mouth.Meaning:The dead cannot testify. Dead men tell no tales (English proverb).
2021.02.12 12:15乗り掛かった船[norikakatta-fune]Literal translation:A ship you are about to boardMeaning:One has come too far to go back.Once you begin something, you cannot quit.
2021.02.11 15:44触らぬ神に祟りなし[sawaranukami-ni-tatarinashi]Literal translation:If you do not touch the god, there will be no curse.Meaning:If you stay away, you will not suffer from trouble. Let sleeping dogs lie.
2021.02.10 14:49温度差[ondosa]Literal translation:Difference in temperatureMeaning:Difference in eagerness/attitudeExample:消費税に関して政府と国民に温度差がある。There exists a difference in awareness of the consumption tax between the government and citizens.
2021.02.09 05:14可愛さ余って憎さ百倍[kawaisa-amatte-nikusa-hyakubai]Literal translation:As someone is extremely lovely, hatred toward him/her grows 100-fold. Meaning:As your affection toward someone is strong, you could harbor deep hatred against him/her.