2020.09.21 04:53花鳥風月[kachoufuugetsu]Literal translation:Flower, bird, wind, moonMeaning:Beautiful natural scenery Enjoying poetry, paintings, etc. under the theme of nature
2020.09.21 04:44七転び八起き[nanakorobi-yaoki]Literal translation:Fall seven times, and stand up eight timesMeaning:Getting back on one’s feet without giving up after many failures
2020.09.20 16:25明けても暮れても[aketemo-kuretemo]Literal translation:No matter whether dawn breaks or the sun setsMeaning:Day in, day out
2020.09.20 14:12暖簾に腕押し[noren-ni-udeoshi]Literal translation:Pushing a shop curtain with your arm Meaning:It is a waste of effort.
2020.09.20 14:05盗人猛猛しい[nusubito-takedakeshii]Literal translation:A thief has a lot of nerve.Meaning:Someone has committed a wrongdoing, but is showing brazen behavior.
2020.09.20 11:46前門の虎後門の狼[zenmon-no-tora-koumon-no-ookami]Literal translation:A tiger at the front gate, a wolf at the back gateMeaning:Even if you can avoid one misfortune, another will come.
2020.09.17 09:49腹に一物[harani-ichimotsu]Literal translation:Having something in the bellyMeaning:Harboring a plot
2020.09.16 15:29食うか食われるか[kuuka-kuwareruka]Literal translation:Eat-or-be-eatenMeaning:Do-or-die (English idiom)Dog-eat-dog (English idiom)Example:食うか食われるかの世界a dog-eat-dog world
2020.09.16 11:51丘サーファー[oka-saafaa]Literal translation:A hill surferMeaning:A wannabe surfer A person who is dressed like a surfer, but does not go surfing
2020.09.16 10:44一皮むける[hitokawa-mukeru]Literal translation:One skin peels offMeaning:One’s skills, appearance, etc. improve or get refinedGrow after overcoming a challenge
2020.09.15 15:16勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍[kateba-kangun-makereba-zokugun]Literal translation:If you win, you will belong to the imperial army. If you lose, you will belong to the rebel army.Meaning:Winners are right, and losers are wrong. Might is right.
2020.09.15 14:53継続は力なり[Keizoku-wa-chikara-nari]Literal translation:Continuation is a strength.Meaning:Continuous efforts will pay off.