2019.12.29 14:47築城10年落城1日[Chikujou-juunen-rakujyou-ichijitsu]Literal translation:It takes 10 years to build a castle, but it could fall in a single dayMeaning: It takes a lot of time to establish something, but it could be ruined in a matter of seconds.
2019.12.17 04:49枯れ木も山の賑わい[karekimo-yamano-nigiwai]Literal translation:Even dead trees are part of liveliness of a mountain.Meaning:Even insignificant things are better than nothing.
2019.12.17 00:51伝家の宝刀[denka-no-houtou]Literal translation:Treasured sword handed down in a family for generations Meaning:Last resortTrump card
2019.12.16 13:42可愛い子には旅をさせよ[kawaiiko-niwa-tabi-wo-saseyo]Literal translation:Have your beloved child make a journey Meaning:Parents should not spoil their children, but have them experience hardships in the world.
2019.12.16 13:33果報は寝て待て[kahou-wa-netemate]Literal translation:Wait for good news by sleeping Meaning:You should not be impatient when waiting for good fortune/opportunities.
2019.12.16 12:33片腹痛い[katahara-itai]Literal translation:One side of the belly hurts.Meaning:RidiculousLaughable
2019.12.16 12:03頭が上がらない[atama-ga-agaranai]Literal translation:Cannot raise one’s headMeaning:Feel indebted to (someone)Cannot go against (someone)
2019.12.16 04:50石の上にも三年[ishino-uenimo-sannen]Literal translation:Three years on a stone Meaning:If you carry on patiently, you will achieve success.
2019.12.15 07:25海の物とも山の物ともつかぬ[uminomono-tomo-yamanomono-tomo-tsukanu]Literal translation:Cannot be identified as a thing of the sea or a thing of the mountainMeaning:Totally unknown or uncertain Neither fish nor fowl (English idiom)
2019.12.08 14:39春秋に富む[shunjuuni-tomu]Literal translation:Rich with spring and autumnMeaning:Young and having great potential
2019.12.08 14:33女心と秋の空[onnagokoro-to-akinosora]Literal translation:A woman’s mind and the autumn skyMeaning:A woman’s mind is fickle just like autumn weather.
2019.12.08 14:21船頭多くして船山に上る[sendou-ookushite-fune-yamani-noboru]Literal translation:As there are too many captains in a ship, the ship goes onto a mountain. Meaning:Too many cooks spoil the broth. (English proverb)