2021.03.23 15:40逃げるが勝ち[nigeru-ga-kachi]Literal translation:You will win by fleeing.Meaning:You should avoid a pointless conflict or the like. It’s wise to allow your opponent to win in the big picture.
2021.03.14 12:31仁王立ち[nioudachi]Literal translation:Standing like a temple guardian Meaning:Standing imposingly
2021.02.13 14:50逃がした魚は大きい[nigashita-sakana-wa-ookii]Literal translation:The fish you let go was large.Meaning:An item you were close to getting but failed seems to be great.
2021.02.09 04:58錦の御旗[nishiki-no-mihata]Literal translation:Japanese military flag/bannerMeaning:An item that justifies someone’s action, opinion, or the likeExample:環境保護を錦の御旗に掲げ、本政策を実施する。Implement this policy for the purpose of environmental conservation.
2021.01.20 03:48二の舞を演じる[ninomai-wo-enjiru]Literal translation:Perform the second danceMeaning:Make the same mistake as someone did
2021.01.19 07:24苦虫を嚙み潰したよう[nigamushi-wo-kamitsubushitayou]Literal translation:As if one had chewed up a bitter bugMeaning:FrownA distressed lookFace twisted in agony
2020.09.12 10:17二階から目薬[nikaikara-megusuri]Literal translation:Eye drops from the second floorMeaning:Roundabout Ineffective
2019.10.16 14:49二枚目[nimaime]Literal translation:The second sheet/plate/boardMeaning:Good-looking/handsome (man)
2019.10.15 12:45二足の草鞋を履く[nisoku-no-waraji-wo-haku]Literal translation:Put on two pairs of straw sandals/flip-flops Meaning:Have two jobs that are difficult to go together
2019.10.07 07:02二匹目のどじょう[nihikime-no-dojou]Literal translation:The second loachMeaning:Attempt to become successful just by emulating a successful case
2019.10.06 14:28二度あることは三度ある[nidoarukoto-wa-sando-aru](proverb)What happens twice will happen three times.Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.
2019.04.20 13:00錦を飾る[nishiki-wo-kazaru]Literal translation:Wear a beautiful kimonoMeaning:Return to one’s hometown after becoming successful