2018.11.30 13:00青息吐息[aoiki-toiki]Literal translation:blue breath, sigh Meaning:having a hard timeon the ropes
2018.11.29 13:00冷や飯を食う[hiyameshi-wo-kuu]Literal translation:eat a cold meal Meaning:get the cold shoulder suffer a snub
2018.11.28 13:00絵に描いた餅[eni-kaita-mochi]Literal translation:a drawing of mochi (rice cake)Meaning:pie in the sky (English idiom)an unfeasible/unrealistic plan
2018.11.27 13:00蛙の面に小便 or 蛙の面に水[kaeru-no-tsura-ni-shouben] or [kaeru-no-tsura-ni-mizu]Literal translation:Piss (water) on the face of a frog Meaning: (like) water off a duck's back (English idiom)ineffective criticism or the like
2018.11.26 13:00脛に傷を持つ[sune-ni-kizu-wo-motsu]Literal translation:have a scar on the shin Meaning: have a dark secret
2018.11.26 05:52泣く子も黙る[nakuko-mo-damaru]Literal translation:Even a crying child falls silentMeaning:Very (scary or fearful)
2018.11.26 03:42蚊帳の外[kaya-no-soto]Literal translation: outside a mosquito netMeaning: out of the loop
2018.11.24 05:18尻に敷かれる [shiri-ni-shikareru]Literal translation:under someone’s buttocks.Meaning:completely controlled by someoneunder someone’s thumb (English idiom)Example:彼は妻の尻に敷かれている。He is under his wife’s thumb.
2018.11.24 05:17顔に泥を塗る [kao-ni-doro-wo-nuru]Literal translation:put mud on someone’s facedaub mud on someone's faceMeaning:damage someone’s reputation, humiliate someoneNote:This is similar to the English idiom “have egg on one’s face,” which means “be embarrassed”
2018.11.24 05:16明日は明日の風が吹く[Ashita-wa-ashita-no-kaze-ga-fuku]: Tomorrow, another wind will blow.---明日 [ashita or asu]: tomorrow風 [kaze]: the wind吹く [fuku]: blow
2018.11.24 05:13雀の涙[suzume-no-namida]Literal translation:tears of a sparrowMeaning:a tiny amount, a pittance---雀 or スズメ [suzume]: a sparrow
2018.11.24 05:11耳にたこができる [Mimi-ni-tako-ga-dekiru]Literal translation:Calluses are formed on the ears.Meaning:Getting tired of listening to the same thing repeatedlyExample:会社の朝礼で、会社理念を何度も聞かされて耳にタコができた。I got fed up with listening to corporate ethos many times at the morning assembly of our company.---会社 [kaisha]: company朝礼 [chourei]: morning meeting/ass...