2021.03.18 12:27馬鹿の一つ覚え[bakano-hitotsu-oboe]Literal translation:A moron mastering only one skill.Meaning:Repeating the same thing smugly
2021.01.23 06:35化けの皮が剝がれる[bakenokawaga-hagareru]Literal translation:The skin for disguise peels offMeaning:Expose one’s true colors
2020.12.11 05:53爆弾発言[bakudan-hatsugen]Literal translation:A bomb statementMeaning:A surprising statement that causes massive repercussions A bombshell
2020.03.02 13:37馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない[Baka-wa-shinanakya-naoranai](proverb)Someone’s stupidity won’t be cured until he/she dies.
2019.04.24 13:00バケツをひっくり返したような雨[baketsu-wo-hikkurikaeshitayouna-ame]Literal translation:Rain as if a bucket was turned upside downMeaning:A torrential rainRaining cats and dogs (English idiom)
2018.11.24 05:02馬鹿に付ける薬はない[baka-ni-tsukeru-kusuri-wa-nai]There is no medicine for curing idiocy.Example:彼らはまだ物事を見た目で判断している。馬鹿に付ける薬はない。:They still judge things by appearances. There is no medicine for curing idiocy.---馬鹿 [baka]: an idiot, a fool, idiocy薬 [kusuri]: medicine, a drug
2018.11.24 03:39馬耳東風[baji-toufuu]Literal translation: east wind to horse’s earsMeaning: In one ear and out the other (English idiom)
2018.11.24 02:38馬脚をあらわす[bakyaku-wo-arawasu]Literal translation: show horse legsMeaning: show one’s true colors inadvertently
2018.11.24 02:37馬車馬のように働く[bashauma-noyouni-hataraku]Literal translation: work like a carriage horseMeaning: work single-mindedlySupplementary info: Carriage horses wear blinkers, so as not to be distracted.