2021.02.06 09:00待てば海路の日和あり[mateba-kairono-hiyori-ari]Literal translation:If you wait, a perfect day for a voyage will come.Meaning:Your situation will improve, if you just wait.
2021.01.31 03:19豆知識[mame-chishiki]Literal translation:Bean knowledgeMeaning:Trivia Example:キッチンに関する豆知識を紹介するIntroduce trivia regarding kitchens
2021.01.21 06:31瞼が重くなる[mabuta-ga-omokunaru]Literal translation:The eyelids become heavyMeaning:Feel sleepyBecome drowsy
2020.08.25 14:33馬子にも衣装[Magonimo-ishou]Literal translation:A costume even for a lowly horse-leading workerMeaning:Fine feathers make fine birds. (English proverb)Clothes make the man. (English proverb)
2020.08.02 13:52マグロ[maguro]Literal translation:Tuna Meaning:A dead fish (English slang)A person who just lies in bed without doing anything during sex
2020.07.25 05:45眉に唾を付ける[mayu-ni-tsuba-wo-tsukeru]Literal translation:Apply spit to the eyebrows Meaning:Be careful not to be deceived Related word:眉唾物[mayutsubamono]Something fishy
2019.10.02 14:13真綿で首を締める[mawata-de-kubi-wo-shimeru]Literal translation:Choke someone with floss silkMeaning:Harm or blame someone little by little
2019.01.30 13:00窓際族[madogiwa-zoku]Literal translation:Tribe beside windows Meaning:Employees whose career ladders have been taken away and who are not assigned with important tasks
2019.01.29 14:00枕営業[makura-eigyou]Literal translation:Pillow marketing Meaning:Having sex with an influential person to get a job, benefits, or the like
2018.11.24 03:22負け犬の遠吠え[makeinu-no-tooboe]Literal translation: howling of a loser dogMeaning: grumbling of a loser, sour grapes
2018.11.24 02:47真っ赤な嘘[makkana-uso]Literal translation: a bright red lieMeaning: a downright lie, a barefaced lie