2021.03.30 07:21お山の大将[oyama-no-taishou]Literal translation:A boss on a hill Meaning:A big fish in a little pond (English idiom)Synonym:井の中の蛙
2021.03.30 04:36一騎当千[ikki-tousen]Literal translation:One cavalryman comparable to a thousand enemy soldiersMeaning:Mighty enough to confront a lot of enemy soldiers
2021.03.30 04:03首を横に振る[kubi-wo-yokoni-furu]Literal translation:Shake one’s head horizontally Meaning:Shake one’s head, to express disapproval/disagreement
2021.03.30 03:57首を縦に振る[kubi-wo-tateni-furu]Literal translation:Shake one’s head verticallyMeaning:Nod in approval
2021.03.30 03:52元の鞘に収まる[motono-sayani-osamaru]Literal translation:Put back into the sheathMeaning:Get back together Start having a relationship with each other again
2021.03.30 03:46三度の飯より[sando-no-meshiyori]Literal translation:Rather than 3 meals Meaning:Like something more than anything elseBe into something
2021.03.29 16:05鍵を握る[kagi-wo-nigiru]Hold the keyNote:This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages. The Japanese and English versions have the same expression and meaning.
2021.03.29 14:59医者の不養生[isha-no-fuyoujyou]Literal translation:Medical doctors don’t care for their own health.Meaning:Someone gives good advice to others, but cannot follow the advice for him/herself.
2021.03.29 13:47付け焼き刃[tsukeyakiba]Literal translation:A dull sword with a tempered steel edge attachedMeaning:Knowledge or skills learned on an ad hoc basis A smattering
2021.03.29 13:40寝首を掻く[nekubi-wo-kaku]Literal translation:Behead someone while he/she is asleepMeaning:Catch someone off guardPlay a dirty trick to frame someone
2021.03.26 08:25色の白いは七難隠す[ironoshiroi-wa-shichinan-kakusu]Literal translation:Being white covers many faults. Meaning:Light-skinned women look beautiful, even if she has some shortcomings.
2021.03.26 08:15旋毛を曲げる[tsumuji-wo-mageru]Literal translation:Bend the hair whorlMeaning:Get crossBecome perverse