2021.01.31 03:27古巣[furusu]Literal translation:An old nestMeaning:An organization to which one used to belong Example:古巣に戻るreturn to the fold (English idiom)
2021.01.31 03:19豆知識[mame-chishiki]Literal translation:Bean knowledgeMeaning:Trivia Example:キッチンに関する豆知識を紹介するIntroduce trivia regarding kitchens
2021.01.30 16:55乃公出でずんば[daikou-idezunba]Literal translation:If I don’t participate,…Meaning:Nobody can deal with it except me.
2021.01.30 16:51火事場の馬鹿力[kajibano-bakajikara]Literal translation:Idiotic force at a fire siteMeaning:Extraordinary brute strength exerted in a pinch
2021.01.28 15:18泳がす[oyogasu]Literal translation:Let someone swimMeaning:Let someone carry on (while covertly monitoring his/her activities)Example:容疑者をしばらく泳がす[yougisha-wo-shibaraku-oyogasu]Let a suspect carry on for a while
2021.01.27 04:00火事場泥棒[kajiba-dorobou]Literal translation:A thief at a fire siteMeaning:Stealing amid the confusion caused by a fireGaining illicit profits amid the chaosFishing in troubled waters (English idiom)A person who commits the above act
2021.01.27 03:46小悪魔[koakuma]Literal translation:A little devilMeaning:A coquettish young woman who toys with the feelings of men
2021.01.26 16:31沈黙は金[chinmoku-wa-kin]Silence is golden.Meaning:It is wise to be silent or avoid speaking.Note:This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages. The Japanese and English versions have the same expression and meaning.
2021.01.26 14:29巣ごもり需要[sugomori-juyou]Literal translation:Nesting demandMeaning:Demand from people staying homeDemand from housebound consumersExample:巣ごもり需要のおかげで、売上高が拡大した。Thanks to the demand from people staying home, sales grew.
2021.01.25 03:48目の色を変えて[menoiro-wo-kaete]Literal translation:Changing the color of one’s eyesMeaning:FranticallyIn a frenzy
2021.01.25 03:40立錐の余地もない[rissui-no-yochimonai]Literal translation:There is no room for placing a gimlet.Meaning:Tightly packedExtremely crowded