2019.10.30 07:32泥をかぶる[doro-wo-kaburu]Literal translation:Cover oneself in mudMeaning:Take responsibility for someone else’s failure or the like Take a disadvantageous roleTake the blame
2019.10.30 07:08骨を埋める[hone-wo-umeru]Literal translation:Bury one’s bonesMeaning:Spend the rest of one’s life (at a certain place) Example この会社に骨を埋めることにした。I decided to spend my entire career at this company.
2019.10.23 13:08言葉尻を捕らえる[kotobajiri-wo-toraeru]Literal translation:Capture the buttocks of wordsMeaning:Find a trifling mistake in someone’s statement, and criticize him/her
2019.10.23 13:01飛ぶように売れる[tobuyouni-ureru]Literal translation:sell as if it flew.Meaning:be sold quickly and in large quantitiessell like hot cakes (English idiom)
2019.10.23 09:41歯が浮く[haga-uku]Literal translation:Teeth floatMeaning:Set your teeth on edge (English idiom)Make you sick Example 彼の歯が浮くようなきざな台詞:His snobbish words that make me sick
2019.10.23 03:58足が遠のく[ashiga-toonoku]Literal translation:The foot becomes remoteMeaning:The frequency of going to a place you used to visit often decreases
2019.10.23 03:51危ない橋を渡る[abunai-hashi-wo-wataru]Literal translation:Cross a dangerous bridge Meaning:Make a risky attemptGo out on a limb
2019.10.23 03:47あの手この手[anote-konote]Literal translation:That hand, this handMeaning:Every possible method
2019.10.23 03:41灰汁が強い[aku-ga-tsuyoi]Literal translation:Scum/foam is strongMeaning:Have a strong personality
2019.10.22 14:08食が細い[shoku-ga-hosoi]Literal translation:Eating is thin.Meaning:Eat like a bird (English idiom)
2019.10.22 04:09畑違い[hatake-chigai]Literal translation:Have a different (agricultural) fieldMeaning:Have a different specialty