2018.12.31 13:00青天井[aotenjou]Literal translation:a blue ceilingMeanings:(1) the blue sky(2) going up unlimitedly
2018.12.30 13:00かんしゃく持ち[kanshaku-mochi]Literal translation:a firecracker holderMeaning:a short-tempered personan irritable person---かんしゃく玉 [kanshaku-dama]: (1) a firecracker (2) a tantrum, a fit of anger
2018.12.29 13:00はらわたが煮えくり返る[harawata-ga-niekurikaeru]Literal translation:The bowels are boiling. Meaning:boiling (over) with angerseething with fury
2018.12.28 13:00金看板[kin-kanban]Literal translation:A gold signboardMeanings:(1) a gold-plated signboard(2) a featured product, principle, or the like
2018.12.26 13:00降りかかる火の粉は払わねばならぬ[furikakaru-hinoko-wa-harawanebanaranu]Literal translation:You need to brush off sparks falling on you.Meaning:You must proactively protect yourself from disasters and dangers befalling you.
2018.12.25 13:00幽霊部員[yuurei-buin]Literal translation:An apparition memberMeaning:A club member who does not participate in club activities
2018.12.24 13:00濡れ衣を着せる[nureginu-wo-kiseru]Literal translation:Make someone put on wet clothes Meaning:Make a false charge against someone
2018.12.23 13:00喉から手が出るほど[nodo-kara-te-ga-deru-hodo]Literal translation:As if a hand came out of the throatMeaning:Desperately
2018.12.22 13:00鴨が葱を背負って来る[kamo-ga-negi-wo-shottekuru]Literal translation:A duck comes with a leek on its back. Meaning:A very favorable thingSituation in which this idiom can be used:If naïve sightseers enter a rip-off shop, the shop owner can use this idiom behind their backs.鴨 or カモ [kamo]: a (wild) duck
2018.12.21 13:00鯖を読む[saba-wo-yomu] Literal translation: read a mackerelMeaning: manipulate figurespurposely miscount
2018.12.20 13:00顔が広い[kao-ga-hiroi]Literal translation:Have a wide faceMeaning:Have many connections Have a large circle of acquaintances