2021.01.05 06:33濡れ手で粟[nurete-de-awa]Literal translation:Grasping foxtail millet with wet hands Meaning:making one's fortune at one strokeraking in
2020.09.20 14:05盗人猛猛しい[nusubito-takedakeshii]Literal translation:A thief has a lot of nerve.Meaning:Someone has committed a wrongdoing, but is showing brazen behavior.
2020.02.03 08:40ぬか喜び[nuka-yorokobi]Literal translation:Rice bran joyMeaning:Short-lived joyBeing excited for a false hope
2019.10.21 10:33ぬるま湯に浸かる[nurumayu-ni-tsukaru]Literal translation:Soak in lukewarm waterMeaning:Lead a cossetted lifeLive comfortably, without stimuli or excitement
2019.02.27 13:00濡れ鼠[nure-nezumi]Literal translation:Wet ratMeaning:Soaked to the skin (English idiom)Extremely wet while wearing clothes
2018.12.24 13:00濡れ衣を着せる[nureginu-wo-kiseru]Literal translation:Make someone put on wet clothes Meaning:Make a false charge against someone