2021.02.12 12:15乗り掛かった船[norikakatta-fune]Literal translation:A ship you are about to boardMeaning:One has come too far to go back.Once you begin something, you cannot quit.
2020.09.20 14:12暖簾に腕押し[noren-ni-udeoshi]Literal translation:Pushing a shop curtain with your arm Meaning:It is a waste of effort.
2019.10.15 12:58残り物には福がある[nokorimono-niwa-fuku-ga-aru](proverb)Literal translation:What is left has luck.Meaning:What is left may be better.
2019.01.09 13:00能ある鷹は爪を隠す[nouaru-taka-wa-tsume-wo-kakusu]Literal translation:A competent hawk hides its talons. Meaning:A competent or talented person usually holds back from showing his/her true ability, and exerts it only when necessary.
2018.12.23 13:00喉から手が出るほど[nodo-kara-te-ga-deru-hodo]Literal translation:As if a hand came out of the throatMeaning:Desperately