2022.01.25 09:37玉虫色[tamamushi-iro]Literal translation:Jewel beetle color Meaning:Equivocal ElusiveVague
2021.02.08 15:59立て板に水[tateita-ni-mizu]Literal translation:Water on a board propped up Meaning:Talking very fluently
2021.01.22 04:35宝の持ち腐れ[takarano-mochigusare]Literal translation:Treasure someone holds decays Meaning:Have a useful item, but do not use it.Have a talent or skill, but do not use it.
2021.01.12 11:49たぬきおやじ[tanuki-oyaji]Literal translation:A racoon dog middle-aged manMeaning:A foxy middle-aged man
2021.01.11 14:31他山の石[tazan-no-ishi]Literal translation:A stone of another mountainMeaning:Someone’s mistake from which we can learn something
2021.01.11 14:20狸寝入り[tanuki-neiri]Literal translation:A racoon dog falling asleepMeaning:Pretending to be asleep A fox’s sleep (English idiom)
2020.09.09 11:19高みの見物[takami-no-kenbutsu]Literal translation:Viewing from a high placeMeaning:Observing from a vantage pointSeeing from a third party’s viewpoint
2020.08.29 09:52竹を割ったよう[take-wo-wattayou]Literal translation:Like a bamboo is splitMeaning:Frank and honestStraightforward
2020.08.26 10:48棚に上げる[tana-ni-ageru]Literal translation:Put (something) on a shelfMeaning:Look away from (an unfavorable thing)Avoid working on Set aside
2020.08.25 14:25叩けば埃が出る叩けば埃が出る[tatakeba-hokori-ga-deru]Literal translation:If you beat it, dust appears.Meaning:If detailed investigation is conducted, flaws, wrongdoing, misconduct, or the like will be discovered.