2022.01.25 09:51蜻蛉を切る[tonbo-wo-kiru]Literal translation:Cut a dragonflyMeaning:Perform a somersaultDo a flip
2021.02.04 10:40虎の子[toranoko]Literal translation:A tiger cubMeaning:A precious itemAn item you treasure A nest egg
2021.01.10 08:26殿様商売[tonosama-shoubai]Literal translation:Lord commerce Meaning:Business operated without any efforts or ingenuity for satisfying customers or promoting sales
2020.03.14 05:24峠を越す[touge-wo-kosu]Literal translation:Get across the highest point on a mountain road MeaningTurn the corner (English idiom)
2019.10.23 13:01飛ぶように売れる[tobuyouni-ureru]Literal translation:sell as if it flew.Meaning:be sold quickly and in large quantitiessell like hot cakes (English idiom)
2019.07.21 13:00トカゲの尻尾切り[tokage-no-shippogiri]Literal translation:A lizard cuts off its tail.Meaning:When an organization has a scandal, people in higher positions shift the blame to people in lower positions.
2019.05.26 13:00時は金なり[toki-wa-kanenari]Time is money.Meaning:A person's time is as valuable as money.
2019.03.16 13:00飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢い[tobu-tori-wo-otosu-ikioi]Literal translation:Momentum that could drop a flying bird Meaning:High-flyingHaving strong momentum
2018.11.23 15:25蟷螂の斧[tourou-no-ono]Literal translation: Ax of a mantisMeaning: courageous but doomed resistance---カマキリ [kamakiri]: a praying mantis蟷螂 [tourou] = カマキリ