2022.01.25 10:02雨霰[ame-arare]Literal translation:Rain and hailstonesMeaning:A hail (of bullets, arrows, or the like)
2021.03.23 16:01後味が悪い[atoaji-ga-warui]Literal translation:Have a bad aftertasteMeaning:Exert a depressing influenceFeel-badExample:後味が悪い映画[atoajigawarui-eiga]A feel-bad movie
2021.03.23 08:42頭隠して尻隠さず[atama-kakushite-shiri-kakusazu]Literal translation:Hide one’s head, but fail to hide one’s buttMeaning:One thinks that all of his/her faults have been hidden, but some of them are exposed.
2021.03.22 13:05穴を埋める[ana-wo-umeru]Literal translation:Fill a holeMeaning:Make up for a deficiency/loss
2021.03.22 12:25頭の黒い鼠[atamano-kuroi-nezumi]Literal translation:A rat whose head is blackMeaning:A close person who steals something
2021.03.21 13:04案ずるより産むが易し[anzuruyori-umuga-yasushi]Literal translation:Giving birth to a child is easier than you think.Meaning:It’s easier than you think.Things turn out to be easier than you think.
2021.01.20 11:29足の踏み場もない[ashino-fumibamo-nai]Literal translation:No room for steppingMeaning:Very messy
2021.01.20 08:14嵐の前の静けさ[arashinomaeno-shizukesa]The calm before the stormNote:This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages. The Japanese and English versions have the same expression and meaning.
2021.01.20 05:32足を奪われる[ashi-wo-ubawareru]Literal translation:Be deprived of legsMeaning:Means of transportation become unavailable
2021.01.20 01:12ああ言えばこう言う[aaieba-kouiu]Literal translation:If I say that, he/she says thisMeaning:Always hit back against advice, etc. from othersHave to have the last word
2021.01.04 17:05悪事千里を走る[akuji-senri-wo-hashiru](proverb)Literal translation:Wrongdoing runs 1,000 li.Meaning:Bad news travels fast.Note:里 is a traditional Japanese unit of distance.
2020.09.20 16:25明けても暮れても[aketemo-kuretemo]Literal translation:No matter whether dawn breaks or the sun setsMeaning:Day in, day out