2021.03.23 15:31貧乏暇なし[binbou-himanashi]Literal translation:Poor people have no time.Meaning:Since poor people have to work day and night, they have no time for leisure.
2020.09.14 12:20貧乏くじを引く[binboukuji-wo-hiku]Literal translation:Draw poverty lots Meaning:Get the short end of the stick (English idiom)
2020.08.09 13:31美魔女[bimajo](slang)Literal translation:A beautiful witch Meaning:A beautiful middle-aged women who looks youthful
2018.11.23 12:59ビール腹[biiru-bara, biiru-ppara]Literal translation: a beer bellyMeaning:A paunchA protruding abdomen (believed to be due to excessive beer drinking)Note:This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages. The Japanese and English versions have the same expression and meaning.---ビール [biiru]: beerお腹 [onaka]: the belly