2021.05.02 10:24堪忍袋の緒が切れる[kanninbukuro-no-o-ga-kireru]Literal translation:The string of a tolerance bag snaps Meaning:Run out of patience
2021.03.29 16:05鍵を握る[kagi-wo-nigiru]Hold the keyNote:This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages. The Japanese and English versions have the same expression and meaning.
2021.03.24 14:14金の切れ目が縁の切れ目[kane-no-kireme-ga-en-no-kireme]When you run out of money, you will lose personal relationships.
2021.03.22 11:55烏の行水[karasu-no-gyouzui]Literal translation:A crow having a bath in a washtub Meaning:Taking a quick bath
2021.02.09 05:14可愛さ余って憎さ百倍[kawaisa-amatte-nikusa-hyakubai]Literal translation:As someone is extremely lovely, hatred toward him/her grows 100-fold. Meaning:As your affection toward someone is strong, you could harbor deep hatred against him/her.
2021.02.02 03:49霞を食う[kasumi-wo-kuu]Literal translation:Eat mist/hazeMeaning:Leaving the secular world and living the life of a hermit Living in an ivory tower
2021.01.30 16:51火事場の馬鹿力[kajibano-bakajikara]Literal translation:Idiotic force at a fire siteMeaning:Extraordinary brute strength exerted in a pinch
2021.01.27 04:00火事場泥棒[kajiba-dorobou]Literal translation:A thief at a fire siteMeaning:Stealing amid the confusion caused by a fireGaining illicit profits amid the chaosFishing in troubled waters (English idiom)A person who commits the above act
2021.01.21 04:02肩を落とす[kata-wo-otosu]Literal translation:Drop one’s shouldersMeaning:Droop one’s shoulders in disappointment
2021.01.20 05:20顔から火が出る[kaokara-hi-ga-deru]Literal translation:Fire emerges from the faceMeaning:Blush bright red
2020.12.11 05:57鎌をかける[kama-wo-kakeru]Literal translation:put a sickle on …Meaning:trick someone into telling the truth
2020.09.21 04:53花鳥風月[kachoufuugetsu]Literal translation:Flower, bird, wind, moonMeaning:Beautiful natural scenery Enjoying poetry, paintings, etc. under the theme of nature