2022.01.31 14:11胃袋を掴む[ibukuro-wo-tsukamu]Literal translation:Grab someone’s stomachMeaning:Attract/fascinate someone with one’s cooking skill
2022.01.25 10:02雨霰[ame-arare]Literal translation:Rain and hailstonesMeaning:A hail (of bullets, arrows, or the like)
2022.01.25 09:51蜻蛉を切る[tonbo-wo-kiru]Literal translation:Cut a dragonflyMeaning:Perform a somersaultDo a flip
2022.01.25 09:42天爵を修めて人爵これに従う[Tenshaku-wo-osamete-jinshaku-koreni-shitagau](proverb)When you pursue dignity or virtue, a high status will follow.
2022.01.25 09:37玉虫色[tamamushi-iro]Literal translation:Jewel beetle color Meaning:Equivocal ElusiveVague
2022.01.11 13:43猫の目のよう[neko-no-me-no-you]Literal translation:Like the eyes of a catMeaning:Whimsical Chameleonic
2022.01.11 12:54鬼電[oniden](slang)Literal translation:Ogre callMeaning:1. to call someone many times 2. to get nonstop calls Notes:鬼 [oni]: an ogre in Japanese folklore 電 [den]: an abbreviation of 電話 [denwa]
2022.01.11 11:39肘鉄砲を食らう[hijideppou-wo-kurau]Literal translation:Shot by an elbow gunMeaning:Get/receive the cold shoulderReceive a snub
2022.01.09 14:46肘鉄砲[hijiteppou]Literal translation:Elbow gun Meaning:Elbow strikeBrush-offAbbreviation:肘鉄[hijitetsu]
2022.01.05 10:38麒麟も老いぬれば駑馬に劣る[kirin-mo-oinureba-doba-ni-otoru]Literal translation:Even a swift horse becomes inferior to a slow horse when it gets older.Meaning:Even a talented person becomes inferior to a commonplace person when he/she gets older.
2022.01.05 10:27衣食足りて礼節を知る[ishokutarite-reisetsu-wo-shiru](proverb)When food and clothing are sufficient, people can have good manners. An English proverb that has a similar meaning:An empty sack cannot stand upright.