2021.08.21 06:12親しき中にも礼儀あり[shitashikinakanimo-reigi-ari](proverb)Even if you are on friendly terms with someone, you need to be polite to him/her.
2021.08.21 06:05天は二物を与えず[tenwa-nibutsu-wo-ataezu]Literal translation:Heaven does not give more than one talent to each person.Meaning:No one is perfect.
2021.08.21 05:51人を呪わば穴二つ[hitowo-norowaba-ana-futatsu]Literal translation:If you curse someone, there will be two graves.Meaning:If you harm someone, you will be harmed inevitably.
2021.08.21 05:44腹の虫が鳴る[haranomushi-ga-naru]Literal translation:A bug in the belly chirps Meaning:One’s stomach rumbles
2021.08.21 05:38百害あって一利なし[hyakugai-atte-ichiri-nashi]Literal translation:One hundred damage and no benefitMeaning:Causing nothing but trouble
2021.08.21 05:25金星[kinboshi]Literal translation:Gold starMeaning:A lower-ranked sumo wrestler's victory over a yokozuna