2020.02.27 10:33お花畑[ohanabatake]Literal translation:A field of flowersMeaning:DreamlandExample:多くの日本人の頭の中はお花畑。The minds of many Japanese people are in dreamland.
2020.02.25 15:17木を見て森を見ず[ki-wo-mite-mori-wo-mizu]Literal translation:See a tree, but not forestMeaning:Too obsessed with tiny things to see the entire picture
2020.02.25 15:05天狗になる[tengu-ni-naru]Literal translation:Become a tengu (a long-nosed genie)Meaning:Become conceited/bigheaded
2020.02.22 15:14一匹狼[ippiki-ookami]A lone wolf Meaning:An individual who acts independently and prefers to do things on his/her own, prefers solitude or works aloneNote:This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages. The Japanese and English versions have the same expression and meaning.
2020.02.14 07:14働かざる者食うべからず[hatarakazaru-mono-kuubekarazu]Those who do not work should not eat.He who does not work, neither shall he eat. (English aphorism)
2020.02.13 15:27板挟み[itabasami]Literal translation:Sandwiched by boardsMeaning:Between a rock and a hard place (English idiom)
2020.02.13 15:13論より証拠[ron-yori-shouko]Literal translation:Proof rather than theoryMeaning:The proof of the pudding (is in the eating)
2020.02.11 16:06口減らし[kuchiberashi]Literal translation:Mouth reductionMeaning:To decrease the number of mouths to feed by giving a child up for adoption or the like in order to reduce household expenses
2020.02.11 15:53太鼓腹[taiko-bara]Literal translation:A taiko (Japanese traditional drum) belly Meaning:A paunchA potbelly
2020.02.03 08:40ぬか喜び[nuka-yorokobi]Literal translation:Rice bran joyMeaning:Short-lived joyBeing excited for a false hope