2021.03.22 12:53雪隠で饅頭[secchin-de-manjuu]Literal translation:Manjū (a Japanese sweet bun) in a rest roomMeanings:It doesn’t matter where you eat, to appease your hunger. Have fun only for oneself sneakily
2021.02.05 13:10清濁併せ吞む[seidaku-awasenomu]Literal translation:Drink clear and muddy water togetherMeaning:So broad-minded as to accept both good and bad people
2020.08.15 05:34背伸びをする[senobi-wo-suru]Literal translation:Stretch up (on one’s tiptoes)Meaning:Try to do something beyond one’s ability
2020.01.20 06:52狭き門[semaki-mon]Literal translation:A narrow gateMeaning:Difficult to enter (a university, a company or the like), because there are many competing applicants
2019.12.08 14:21船頭多くして船山に上る[sendou-ookushite-fune-yamani-noboru]Literal translation:As there are too many captains in a ship, the ship goes onto a mountain. Meaning:Too many cooks spoil the broth. (English proverb)
2019.10.15 15:39背に腹は代えられぬ[seni-harawa-kaerarenu]Literal translation:The belly cannot be replaced by the back.Meaning:To do something important, you have no choice but to sacrifice some other things. Etymology:During a duel of samurai warriors, the belly should be protected by sacrificing the back, to survive.
2019.07.31 13:00背筋が寒くなる[sesuji-ga-samukunaru]Literal translation:The back muscle gets cold.Meaning:A chill goes down one’s spine (English idiom)A shudder is felt down one's back, due to fear or the like.
2019.01.12 13:00青天の霹靂[seiten-no-hekireki]A bolt from (out of) the blue (English idiom)Meaning:A sudden, unexpected event This idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages.