2020.07.31 11:55炎上する[enjou-suru]Literal translation:Burst into flamesMeaning:Inundated with negative comments on a social networking site
2019.10.21 14:59襟を正す[eri-wo-tadasu]Literal translation:Adjust one’s collar Meaning:Straighten oneself up Pull oneself together
2019.06.09 13:00海老で鯛を釣る[ebi-de-tai-wo-tsuru]Literal translation:catch a sea bream with a shrimp Meaning:get a big return from a small investment
2019.01.01 13:00縁の下の力持ち[ennoshita-no-chikaramochi]Literal translation:a strong man beneath a porchMeaning:an unsung hero
2018.11.28 13:00絵に描いた餅[eni-kaita-mochi]Literal translation:a drawing of mochi (rice cake)Meaning:pie in the sky (English idiom)an unfeasible/unrealistic plan