2021.01.06 15:005本の指に入る[gohonno-yubi-ni-hairu]Literal translation:Included in five fingersMeaning:Ranked in the top 5
2019.02.08 13:00ごぼう抜き[gobounuki]Literal translation:Pull out burdock rootMeaning:Overtake several competitors during a race in a short period of time
2019.01.03 13:00五十歩百歩[gojippo-hyappo]Literal translation:50 steps, 100 stepsMeaning:Essentially the same, although having minor differences
2018.11.23 15:07胡麻塩頭[gomashio-atama]:Literal translation: sesame and salt headMeaning: dark hair streaked with gray