2021.03.24 08:26泣きっ面に蜂[nakittsurani-hachi]Literal translation:A bee on a whining faceMeaning:Misfortunes never come singly. (English proverb)Synonym:
2021.03.23 12:12泣いても笑っても[naitemo-warattemo]Literal translation:No matter whether you cry or laugh Meaning:No matter how hard you tryInevitably
2021.02.08 13:42習うより慣れろ or 習うより慣れよ[narauyori-narero] or [narauyori-nareyo]Literal translation:Get accustomed, rather than learningMeaning:You can hone your skills through actual experience more rapidly than through mere accumulation of knowledge. Experience is the best teacher.
2020.09.21 04:44七転び八起き[nanakorobi-yaoki]Literal translation:Fall seven times, and stand up eight timesMeaning:Getting back on one’s feet without giving up after many failures
2020.08.12 09:56鳴かず飛ばず[nakazu-tobazu]Literal translation:It does not sing or fly.Meaning:Remain unsuccessful Have made no notable achievement
2019.10.15 12:31長い目で見る[nagai-me-de-miru]Literal translation:See with long eyesMeaning:Keep an eye on … without judging from the current situation. Take the long view (English idiom)
2018.11.26 05:52泣く子も黙る[nakuko-mo-damaru]Literal translation:Even a crying child falls silentMeaning:Very (scary or fearful)
2018.11.24 03:43波風が絶えない[namikaze-ga-taenai]Literal translation: Waves and wind are unceasingMeaning: Troubles/disputes are unceasingExample:隣国同士では波風が絶えない。:There are never-ending conflicts between neighboring countries.
2018.11.24 03:41波風を立てる[namikaze-wo-tateru]Literal translation: make waves and windMeaning: cause a trouble/dispute, rock the boat (English idiom)
2018.11.24 02:27長いものに巻かれる[nagai-mono-ni-makareru]Literal translation: get wound by a long thingMeaning: better bend than break
2018.11.23 13:10縄付き[nawatsuki]Literal translation: bound by ropesMeaning: (1) be arrested as a criminal(2) a criminal