2022.05.14 13:19一花咲かせる[hitohana-sakaseru]Literal translation:Make a flower bloomMeaning:Achieve successProsper on a temporary basis
2022.01.11 11:39肘鉄砲を食らう[hijideppou-wo-kurau]Literal translation:Shot by an elbow gunMeaning:Get/receive the cold shoulderReceive a snub
2022.01.09 14:46肘鉄砲[hijiteppou]Literal translation:Elbow gun Meaning:Elbow strikeBrush-offAbbreviation:肘鉄[hijitetsu]
2021.08.21 05:51人を呪わば穴二つ[hitowo-norowaba-ana-futatsu]Literal translation:If you curse someone, there will be two graves.Meaning:If you harm someone, you will be harmed inevitably.
2021.08.21 05:38百害あって一利なし[hyakugai-atte-ichiri-nashi]Literal translation:One hundred damage and no benefitMeaning:Causing nothing but trouble
2021.03.24 14:38左巻き[hidarimaki]Literal translation:Counterclockwise hair whorl Meaning:Stupid Example:左巻きの政治家が消費増税を繰り返した結果、日本は経済大国から凋落した。Since stupid politicians repeated the consumption tax hike, Japan fell from the position as an economic power.
2021.03.15 06:47百鬼夜行[hyakki-yakou] or [hyakki-yagyou]Literal translation:A variety of monsters roaming during the nightMeaning:A lot of people showing bizarre behavior or committing a wrongdoing
2021.02.15 14:27人の口に戸は立てられぬ[Hitonokuchini-towa-taterarenu]Literal translation:It’s impossible to set a door on the mouth of a person.Meaning:It’s impossible to stop the spread of rumors.
2020.09.16 10:44一皮むける[hitokawa-mukeru]Literal translation:One skin peels offMeaning:One’s skills, appearance, etc. improve or get refinedGrow after overcoming a challenge
2020.08.30 04:27左団扇で暮らす[hidari-uchiwade-kurasu]Literal translation:Live with uchiwa (a traditional Japanese fan) in one’s left handMeaning:live off the fat of the land (English idiom)
2020.08.29 13:15人の噂も七十五日[Hitono-uwasa-mo-shichijuugonichi](proverb)Literal translation:A rumor people spread will disappear in 75 days.Meaning:Any rumor will sink into oblivion after a short time.
2020.08.27 12:34一旗揚げる[hitohata-ageru]Literal translation:Hoist a flagMeaning:Start up a business to make a fortune or the like