2021.03.30 03:46三度の飯より[sando-no-meshiyori]Literal translation:Rather than 3 meals Meaning:Like something more than anything elseBe into something
2021.03.25 03:14三度目の正直[sandome-no-shoujiki]Literal translation:The third honesty Meaning:Third time's the charm.Things go well on the third attempt.
2021.02.11 15:44触らぬ神に祟りなし[sawaranukami-ni-tatarinashi]Literal translation:If you do not touch the god, there will be no curse.Meaning:If you stay away, you will not suffer from trouble. Let sleeping dogs lie.
2020.01.02 06:00三人寄れば文殊の知恵[sannin-yoreba-monju-no-chie](Proverb)Literal translation:If three people get together, the wisdom of Mañjuśrī will emerge.Meaning:If three people get together and have discussions no matter whether they are all mediocre, they will come up with a good idea.
2019.10.15 11:47財布の紐をきつく締める[saifu-no-himo-wo-kitsuku-shimeru]Tighten the purse strings (English idiom)Meaning:decrease spending increase control of spendingThis idiom is shared by the Japanese and English languages.
2019.05.18 13:00匙を投げる[saji-wo-nageru]Literal translation:Throw away a spoonMeaning:Give upThrow in the towel (English idiom)
2019.05.16 13:00歳月人を待たず[saigetsu-hito-wo-matazu]Literal translation:Time does not wait for people.Meaning:Time and tide wait for no man. (English proverb)
2019.03.06 13:00猿芝居[saru-shibai]Literal translation:Monkey’s acting Meaning:Clumsy actingA flimsy ploy
2018.12.21 13:00鯖を読む[saba-wo-yomu] Literal translation: read a mackerelMeaning: manipulate figurespurposely miscount
2018.12.09 13:00砂上の楼閣[sajou-no-roukaku]Literal translation:a lofty building on sand Meanings:(1) a house of cards (English idiom)a weak and fragile structure, plan, or organization(2) castles in the air (English idiom)dreams, hopes, or plans that are impossible, unrealistic, or have very little chance of succeeding.
2018.11.23 10:46猿も木から落ちる[Saru-mo-kikara-ochiru]Literal translation:Even a monkey falls from a tree.Meaning:Even an expert sometimes makes a mistake.---猿 [saru]: a monkey木 [ki]: a tree